Saturday, 25 January 2014

At Least Someone Visits Here

I don't get many readers. Sometimes, I wonder if I have any at all. Then once in a while, you remind me of my blog and ask why haven't I updated it in so long. I still check your blog sometimes, even though I know you don't update it, you said to me.       It is not everyday that you pester me to write-- usually.

Remember what I told you last night, in our sleep? About past mistakes, the people involved and how in their eyes, we would still stay the same, be that memory that everyone wants to forget even though we have moved on, and changed? I wonder indeed, if you remember, or even paid attention to my midnight ramblings.

You are asleep at the moment. I can't possibly bother you with my questions, or my voice. You are a person who takes life seriously-- the physical aspect of it anyway. As for the things you can't see or feel with your body, you couldn't possibly care less, because you already give zero fucks about them. Like what? Life, of course.

Now, back to the thoughts I left half hanging last night. 

I wanted to suffocate myself with the pillow my head was resting on. Trying to sleep, my brain decided that a flash back of my embarrassing mistakes would be a decent story to relax me and make me fall asleep with a smile on my face. Oh, brain, sometimes I wonder why I even have you! Perhaps seeing a certain someone earlier that evening triggered a reaction in you which temporarily screws around with your compressing abilities.

What if life was reset everyday? Or every year? Ah, then there is a reason to celebrate new years. We wouldn't forget what we've learnt in the past. We could choose what we want to forget, and wipe that memory clean from our own minds, as well as everyone else's. Wouldn't that be nice? If we only had 365 days to live, would we cherish each and every day, live them to the fullest? Or would we stay the same, wasting the hours and days away staring at screens.

I don't usually wake up this early and stay awake, without going back to dreamland until my mum comes knocking on my door, telling me to go downstairs for lunch.

In the first place, I didn't think of blogging and I certainly didn't want to do it. It wouldn't be fair if you kept checking for updates and I don't update this site! I am a horrible writer. Which reminds me, a friend of mine told me my email address stated on my profile is wrong, but I haven't changed it yet. He told me about it last year... I I I I I I I guess I will go change it now.

Thank you for being my only reader. Well maybe someone else reads my blog too, but I certainly don't know it!

I know I won't update my blog often. You know that too.

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