Saturday, 1 August 2009

Another stupid thing

STOP, I really mean it this time. I know I said I don't care anymore cause I don't have the mood to do the things I love most. Scolding, hitting and laughing. That doesn't mean you all can mess up my hair, threaten me, blackmail me? Don't ask me about any of that, I DON'T wanna talk about it.

Oh ya, hope that idiot didn't do anything stupid yet. Here's to the idiot:

Hey idiot, don't give. What I wrote is what I wrote, you want keep your problem.
You want give, can, not stopping you. There's nothing left to salvage anyway.
Fine, no mood to say anything anyway...

Who am I kidding? I care, just no mood or energy to do anything. (Sigh)... Really, being his friend was my choice, falling for him was far beyond my control. How I wish I didn't go out with you all that day, if I hadn't, none of this would have happened. There's no turning back now, is it?

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