Today, Leo club had a project at Tesco. Was it a... Don't discriminate people with HIV campaign? I never knew @_@
I wonder if it's my face problem =-=
Everyone I go to tend to ignore me. DAMMIT.
If we're doing this again next year, I'll just use my "I'M HIV+, PLEASE HUG ME AND BE MY FRIEND. YOU WONT GET INFECTED BY HUGGING" approach. Knowing these people, they'd run away. Faster than I can hug them =_=
The funniest thing, some of the Malays run away when they see the "No condom, No Sex!!!" board =D
One Malay lady said "NO SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE!" then ran away with her children and trolley =_=
My sore legs ruined my mood to shop for groceries, and I forgot that Saturdays are NO PLASTIC BAG DAYS. I only brought my tiny bag, and it was stuffed with my clothes. Oh yeah... The drinks at Each a Cup(?? IDK what the place's called) SUCKS. My Oreo something something blended was like Oreo with EXTRA water. Instead of a blend.
You know what I did after I came back?
I clicked on Google Chrome, and Googled for safe sex =_=
Safe sex is really troublesome. You need to have condoms, lubricants, dental dams? Well... Dental dams can be replaced by condoms... When you cut the condoms...?
Right. I'm... Uhh... Telling you the ways of preventing AIDS and STD???
I always... Always... ALWAYS end up Googling sex, and STD, and other diseases... But you know what...? No matter WHAT I Google, I always end up on the same topic... I don't know why... But... Hmm... I guess I'm just curious.
If no condom = no sex... Then... Condom = Sex? But then... What about children? No condom = no sex = no children??? @_@
Things are so complicated sometimes. Damn those people who play with other people and made AIDS. Another reason WHY, I don't feel like marrying somebody and having children.
Okay... I'm bored, cause somebody's at a concert. So. I'm uploading photos I never uploaded on Facebook =D
HIV+ people are still people. Except... They have a.. Not very long time to live. Don't make them feel like outcasts please, HIV wont be transmitted through hugging, kissing, or sharing food. Saliva has nothing to do with it, so don't worry. Hmm... What would happen if a vampire sucks the blood of someone who has AIDS... Will the vampire get AIDS too? I wonder...
If you want to die, get infected, here's how:
1. Share needles with junkies
2. Go to a prostitute every night
3. Suck breast milk of a person who has AIDS
4. Do a person with AIDS
5. Cheat on your partner with anyone you see
If you DON'T want to die, DON'T get infected, DON'T do the above.
I think I kinda pity whores now. Wont they get infected too?
This is so unfair? >_<
Ah well...
I'mma go shower now.
Have a nice, don't look down on people.