Thursday, 13 May 2010


Hello. Hi. Hey. How's everybody doing? Fine? Nice.

Exam... Exam... EXAM!

I don't really see the point. If you're good, you're good. If you're not, then... You just suck. What's the point of studying things you don't like and you know that you'll never use it?

I guess I have something in common with my bro.

If we don't understand something, we lose heart and just... Give up. But, I give up more easily. We're equal somehow, I have better attitude and I stick to things I do.


Just wasting time here. I know, I know, I should be studying and all that but... I don't want to study. Something is blocking me. I feel dead. I feel lifeless. I feel hopeless.

And oh, BTW, I'm not going to school tomorrow, and practice. I'm going to Ipoh. My mum's picking my dad up. So... Yea, I guess I'm skipping school tomorrow. WHAT? Every TEACHER for God knows what reason keep asking me : 'Rachel, are you alright?'


What is their problem?


Visual novels... VERY GOOD. Kinda like manga but computerized. PERFECT for anime loving freaks. I'm a bad one myself, I just don't admit it. You know... I get very very VERY addictive. You have no idea how...


I'm bored...

That reminds me... I haven't had my bath.


Have fun at school tomorrow.

BAH. Nobody misses me anyways.

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