Saturday, 29 May 2010

Life According To Rachel

Life... Everyone have different views. What about me?

Life is simple. Eat. Sleep. Laugh. Eat more. Sleep again. FUN. FOOD. Do dumb things. No goals, just do it. Full of God damned surprises.

I know the difference between the life of number one smart-ass and myself. I asked her 'What is it like to be smart?' She gave me a sour look and finally answered 'God damned stressful. 90 is never enough. My dad always wants 100.' Wow. I was thinking 'Lucky me, I don't really care.'

I don't get it. Why do people want perfection? When clearly, it doesn't exist. You don't have to be smart to be successful. Studying... BAH... Useless... I don't like stressing myself too much. And I realized something... Smart people are VERY competitive. In other words, Kia Su.

Huh. Funny how things are... People have goals, have dreams to fulfill, but me? I don't. I just do whatever I need to do, besides, I think I'm gonna in 2 years time, Our Lady Fatima's visions... Great... I'm dying on December 21st 2012 along with all the other non-believers. My grandma was so sad when my brother told her 'Mi, Rachel say she's gonna die cause she don't believe in God.' Saw the sadness in her eyes...

HM. Dying so soon?

Nah... I don't know what I believe in anymore.

Life... Life... Life...

Sad. The fact that people are wasting it.

Oh well... Might as well enjoy the 2 short years I have left. If Our Lady Fatima say it would come, then... It would... She already warned us about the German War and the pope assassination. And... They freaking happened.

Ya,ya... Mum's asking me to sleep now... And bro's still at the BBQ party.


I'm bored. I watch too much annoying orange. It annoys the hell outta people, just like me :]


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