Saturday, 6 March 2010

Broken Brother

I'd never thought I'd live to see this day, to see this happen, to see him in his condition like now...

Right hand broken, from his hand to his elbow, bruises all over. Lying in the hospital bed, what is he thinking? Will he change after this painful experience? I don't know.

He always does things carefully, he don't get caught, he don't hurt himself. But I guess, everybody gonna screw up sometime in life. I know everything he does, from fighting to riding, but, I don't tell. Was I wrong? Did I do my part as a sister?

I mean, it's not like we don't tell him to be good, it's just that, he never listens! For God's sake, if he'd listen to my mum, he wouldn't be lying in the hospital right now, I guess he's just too stubborn.

Sure, sometimes I imagine if things were like this, but, I didn't think I'd care this much for him. OF course, he is still my brother.

I really don't get it, why he wants to be like this? For the thrill? We are lucky enough, we have everything. Why can't he be good just for once? Why wont he listen to my mum?

I don't know...

You know how my mum thinks? This is all her fault, that she failed to be a good mother. It's always the mother's fault...

If he don't change after this, he's just hopeless. It's the most serious thing he got himself into.

I just have to say...

I was scared of you to tell. I'd probably end up looking like a panda if I'd told mum. But, I told dad, he didn't seem to care about smoking like mum did, but they are both strongly against you riding a motorcycle. That's why I didn't tell.

Just whatever okay? Change the bitch-like attitude of yours 'kay? And need I remind you, be careful, with your arm like this, your enemies have the advantage... Stay outta trouble.

This is a painful experience, whenever you gonna do something risky, think about the pain. If you don't change, then I'm sorry... You have no bright future. You're a smart kid, kinda good looking... Just the attitude...

I love you brother, even though I hate you.

Good Luck

Get Well Soon

Stay outta trouble

Go be gay

Learn how to be nice

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