Thursday, 2 March 2017

A Well, River, and An Ocean


Have you ever heard of people begging that rivers should run dry? Me neither, but I know such a person. The story I will be sharing with you today, I wonder how you will see it.

Fear lives in a well dug by a pair of twins, Inse and Curity. Each morning, the twins make their way up the hill and to their well, drawing up a bucketful of spring water, drinking their fill. But of course, the fear that tinges the water is like the most subtle poison, odourless, clourless, and tasteless to the bodily senses. Do we blame the twins for ingesting such a substance? Of course not.

The Sun seems to be rising earlier each day, or maybe, the twins have been rising later and later each day. Still they made their daily commute up the hill and to their well, drawing up a bucketful of spring water, drinking their fill. No longer were they aware of time, only of each other, strangely so. Inse would glance at Curity and say nothing, while Curity would glance at Inse say something. It did not matter if any words were spoken, for fear plagued them equally.

And so, because fear is irrational, Inse pushed Curity down the well.

From between the roots where wild grass part, dewdrops of purple began to swell and merge into a flowing river that carries the essence of a weeping soul. Inse, drowning in the manifestation of her own fear, was washed away into the open ocean. She continues to pray that the river might run dry so that she may sail back to the only world she knows, undisturbed by the currents of the river that continues to weep.

The world, always within sight, yet never within reach. Is this punishment enough for one victimized by fear?

Of course, nobody should live in Hell while they still breathe the air of this world.

Inse sometimes wonder if Curity misses her too, as she drifts between sorrow and fear, day and night.

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