Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Lines and Lines Again

I have had enough of it!

Every since you came, everything became more miserable than it already is! If you don't want to be here, you can LEAVE, you don't have to stay if it wasn't YOUR choice! Why don't you just go away?! If you don't like it!

You can write a letter saying I QUIT.

That way, you and I, and everyone else will be happy.

I still wonder... Are you really an old virgin?

If you are, I think I know why.

Even if you do look like a China doll, you suck.

Yes... I'm helping SZN with the Skirt 2 book. DAMN. So many lines to draw... Only... Oh... Only a hundred pages to go! HOW FUN! I CAN'T WAIT TO CONTINUE DRAWING THOSE LINES!

Damn you... Why a book... We could have used a computer to do it, then go photocopy it or whatever. And why do we have to eat salt for the next coming generations? Hello? I know you're a virgin and you don't have kids to pamper, but, if the next coming generations are gonna have it easier than we already are... Then... I guess the principle can blow up the band building.

Actually, he can blow it up now.

Hmm... Lemme blabber bout my thoughts for a while, since I'm already here...


What does it have to do with the shoes you wear and how many pairs you have? 

Not a runner so why can't I jog? Must I run and faint later on? Because you forced me to?

Not a problem, but there is a problem.

Serious or not, smiling is illegal?

Then I wonder, how can you tell what I'm thinking? Because, you cannot, all you thought, was all wrong. 

My face, my head, my mind, my thoughts.

It wasn't him. 

It was 1,2,3,4... TURN AROUND...

If you were serious you wouldn't have done that.

If you were serious, we would have been more serious.

Then I wonder... Whose fault is it? 

It is either you don't get it, or I blame it on you for not understanding. 


When there's a friend, not really a friend, just a person you care about, I would rather know if she hates me or not. Because the feeling of not knowing... Liked or hated by that person you care about, is unbearable. What am I to her? And what is she to me? She doesn't know. I don't know. But it would be nice... If she showed that she cared. But then... Why... Would... She...? 

We're not even close... 



Now that I'm done...

I'm gonna continue my work, and really, I DON'T GET PAID!

I would like to know, if I am hated by you...
Ever since the first time I saw you...
I wanted you to like me...

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