Friday, 16 July 2010


Been a while since I last wrote my blog, so... Yea... Nothing much, nothing interesting during the days I didn't update my blog. Well... To tell the truth, I'm actually lazy. Although the seven months of practice sounded like hell to others, it wasn't to me even if I may have complained, but... I've never felt that I hated practice. Sure I'm lazy, but, I go for practice, don't I?

The last show of 2010 was yesterday at NATCOMP finals... We did great, I know we did. Even if we got 5th place, we didn't lose(I was kinda hoping for 1st place, but... Sad). 5th place isn't so bad, 78.85 isn't so bad. I was hoping that we'd get best percussion line... BUT... We didn't. I'm happy with everything else, I'm just not happy we didn't get best percussion line! ARGH! No offense, but... I thought that the ones who got best percussion line... Sucked. Can't argue about the CGs. Horn line... Sounded fine!


After the preparation... After the four bands have played, it's our turn. After the warm up, a few words of encouragement. I almost cried, but, decided not to. 'ENERGY! SPIRIT!' shouted DHT, 'TEAMWORK!' we finished the quote... 'ENERGY! SPIRIT!'... 'TEAMWORK!'... 'ENERGY! SPIRITTTTTTTTTTTTTT!'... 'TEAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWORK!' OK! Let's do it guys, c'mon, good luck, do your best!

My heart pounded, I felt like crying... I felt nervous. I closed my eyes, took deep breaths to calm myself up. The gates open, it's time... I can see the lights inside, I can hear the crowd inside. We're getting ready, the narrator(not sure what word to use ==) is speaking... The crowd is waiting... Finally... 'SMJK Nan Hwa from Perak, Sitiawan!' And I hear the cheers of the crowd, I closed my eyes, took another deep breath... Looking at him mouthing the words 'Good luck' and 'tap... tap... tap tap tap' We're going in. Only one thing in mind 'Do your best, don't look up until the end. Go. You can do it.'

Part one... Part two... Part three, my worst... Part four... END. I made it! I MADE IT! During the drum solo... Man, it was like a relief when I got to 'When you believe'.


Could it be? That this isn't the end of our 'Prince of Egypt' thing? We're maybe going to Johor? MAYBE? Well...

''Miracles don't happen, when you believe, thought hope is frail, it's hard to kill. Who knows what miracles, we can achieve, when we go to Johor, we will when we gooooo!''
By MemeMeRachel

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