So yeah, I was bored... And, I was kinda afraid that my printer would dry because of me printing anime sheet music from the web.Yeah, yeah, I'm always talking about anime. Well, I nailed Vampire Knight's Maria's Theme, and Fate/Stay Night's Unfading Thoughts. Anata Ga Ita Mori looks hard, and the Vampire Knight's Main Theme is hard too T_T Well, if you guys want a copy, tell me, I'll lend you mine, and THEN, you go photocopy it yourself... Or... I could just give you guys the link... Hmm, it's the site, so, feel free to choose what songs ya' want...
Josh's Anime Sheet Music
And this one, is, well, a blog, with not much choice, but... You can get the full version of Anata Ga Ita Mori here.
kmd's Weblog
And oh, I'm still looking for This Illusion, if you guys know where I can find it, you know what number to call... Or text... Or just IM me... Whichever... Wait... My number's with my bro. Oh, just forget it. Just IM me if you guys know where to find This Illusion, or you guys already have it. This sucks dude!
So the main point of this post...
It's a short 10 minute visual novel. It's great for starters though. Except... In Ripples, you only read, there's no choice for ya'. If you think that you like Ripples, or that you like visual novels, you can try out RE:Alistair, which is also from Sakevisual. If you REALLY like them, and think that they're NOT a waste of time... You can search for visual novels on The Visual Novel Database. There's hentai visual novels(Eroge) and those non-hentai, friendly type. But I have to tell you, most however... Is er... The non-friendly type. Don't worry, Sakevisual is a friendly site. Of course, VNDB is too, just don't search for the wrong things, and you wont see the wrong things.
Since Ripples is only a short intro of something... You don't have to download it. Well, if you want to, downloading takes you... About 45 seconds. So, I guess it's better to play it online. Give it a go, it's just like reading a short story, except, this talks, has music and pretty drawings ^^
Click on it, to... Read it? Well, it's not much of a game, nor a novel. So, just... Enjoy, and see how I spend my time. Of course, Ripples cannot compare with 50 hours long visual novels like Fate/Stay Night or Tsukihime. I still haven't started playing Tsukihime yet! ARGH! But... Fate/Stay Night has been the best visual novel I've ever played, great storyline! Tsukihime is also from the same creator, Type-Moon, and translations done by Mirror-Moon. I don't think that it'll disappoint me though. I've already watched the anime... But... That was a long long time ago.
Fate/Stay Night and Tsukihime both have very nice OST. Instrumental, mostly. Mysterious, sad, angry, soft... Wow, they're just so great. You guys can search the videos on Youtube. Youtube... The best.
Most people are usually obsessed with the different and equally exciting storylines. Yep, visual novels are something different. You can actually choose how you end... In other words, die. And you choose your ending too, happy, or tragic, it's all decided during the game play ^^
Type-Moon rocks! The best visual novel creators ever! Then next comes, Fuguriya, the best... Kawaii lesbian comedy visual novels creator == And then, Sakevisual, well, Sakevisual is still... Well, at least those from Sakevisual are more realistic, there are no spirits or magic, or... Porn to make the story worth playing ==
So yea, if you guys wanna try... Try those by Sakevisual. Well, new visual novels that will be released by Type-Moon and Fuguriya will all be 'friendly' with no... THAT. I look forward to play them. And by the time the English translated ones are released, I'll be legally old enough. Hmm...
So yea, before I go...
OMG. I just thought of nipples! And when there's nipples, there's milk! OMG!
Wait, I just remembered something... I was doing my homework when I decided to STOP, and play Ripples cuz it was just for 10 minutes... And now... After writing this... An hour passes. Aww...
Ripples got a lot of quotes ya'll. So, I'll be posting some quotes from Ripples these few days!
The title screen for Ripples... You get a title screen, when you download. If you play it online, you'll just start when it's done loading! Oh, Ripples ain't that new, but, try it out!
I think I can relate to Koda in the story. LOL. No, the girl is Kuu. Koda is who we play as! LOL. People hater and non-believer... Aww man....
Continuing my homework_3.11am
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