Sunday, 19 September 2010

スガ シカオ(SUGA SHIKAO) / 19才

Well, hello! I was gonna write this yesterday, but, I ended up writing about something that's actually in life, instead of my anime craziness. Well, of course, since I'm anime crazy, I wrote A BIT about anime yesterday. So, if you have no interest whatsoever, don't read it, and CONTENT WARNING, you might not wanna see the MV if you're the type who is closed, and says NO to sex????

Oh well... 


The song is nice, quite emo. But, the MV freaked me out. It's also the opening theme for season one of xxxHolic. 

This is the opening song of the anime, quite nice.

Yea, that was just a pic~

This is the video, DON'T LOOK the first time, listen to it first, and then, you can watch it. Of course, you can just watch it straight, I just want you guys to guess how old is this guy, by listening to his voice, not look at him.

Oh, guess how old he is yet? No? He sounded GREAT right? Like a guy whose in his twenties? But, lemme tell ya, he's 40+ ^^

He wasn't the one 'camera raping'(Youtube comments) the girl, he was the one who popped out singing from time to time.

I wonder... Is that guy with the camera hot? All the people that commented said that the camera guy was HOT. And cute.

So, I watched an interview of Suga, and... I didn't know a word he was saying! Well... There was one... I only understood NINTENDO DS ==

And some kind people were kind enough to translate some of it...

When I was 19, my hobby was raping girls... And when I raped one girl, she liked it... And now, I play Nintendo DS.

Apparently, there's a game for you to improve your language. OOOOO! I'm gonna try out a Japanese one, I think I can download it... Hmm...

Well. About the video. Nah, it was about the two fantasizing themselves doing it with each other. So, there.

And one more thing, if you get caught, it isn't porn. It's a MV of a Japanese song, which is cool, and one of a kind.

Logging off@12.12am


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