Thursday, 10 June 2010

A Hurting Message For Friends

No heart too strong, nothing too patient. Why am I so disappointed? Is it my fault that my words pierce through the hearts of people? Why...

Everyone is the same. After all, we're all human. I'm not good at arguing, I'm just... Heartlessly honest. Is that so wrong? Well, nobody loses anything, in truth, I'm the one who always lose.

Hurting people have become so common, I don't feel anything at all when I say those words. Like now, emotionless. Like just now... When I said everything. I'm not apologizing though, I never do.

You said that I can let go? I'm not your friend. Well, I don't disagree either. Ignoring your call is just me, I don't like talking. I talk... I talk to make people happy, I don't talk about anything serious. When have I talked about something logical? When have I ever said something that helps? Exactly, NEVER.

Don't be so hurt, don't be so sad, you guys should be use to me by now. If not, I don't know what I can call you guys. Friends? No. Not even close. I have no friends, I just know people, to survive. Nobody can survive alone, knowing people will be enough, there's no need to get close. In this century, trust no one.

I don't care.

Say all you want. Talk all you want. I don't care. I don't see the point. Of course, after this, I'd probably be alone, but, I don't really care, aren't you guys already ignoring me? Hmm. Since... Seeing you guys... Makes me want to look away. I don't know, I can never be too close to anyone, the closer I get, the more I hate...

I'm sorry... I got too close to you... This is probably why, you're the one I hate the most... J... I don't think I need to spell the rest of the name?

Hmm. Thought so.

I'm always the wrong one, aren't I? So? Why should I care about anything? Why do I even feel disappointed? Is it because even my so-called friends can't stand me!? No one can. Lying is needed, but, I don't feel like lying. So what if you're hurt? Just take time, contemplate and make yourself less fucking annoying! If you don't have anything to say, just STFU!


Fine, fine! Since I'm already this... Fucked, might as well just skip band camp too. Nobody wants me there anyway, I don't even have friends to begin with. I don't see the point of going, and I'm this moody, I have a strong feeling I wont have fun. So, just have fun without me, you guys have no problem with that since you guys do it all the time.

Someone has a boyfriend to spend time with. The other one can probably just play with anyone, since she's no much better.



I'm gonna be alone in my room for the next week. If you have anything to curse at me, curse it here, curse it in person, through MSN , or through freaking Facebook or leave a God damned message! I DON'T CARE, I'VE BEEN CURSING PEOPLE MY WHOLE LIFE, IT'S ONLY FAIR THAT THEY CURSE ME BACK!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey..sorry ..T>T i'm not saying u la ~ it's others. srroy. ~ TxT