Monday 1 February 2010


Seriously, WHAT? What's the point of reading my blog if you guys don't understand what I'm writing! And fuck you guys, this is call deep? This is as shallow as fucking English can get! You guys want deep? Go read Zongxu's blog, half the time, I have no idea what he's writing.

And I think I have to say thank you? The best part of reading my blog... Is... FUCK? Wow... I didn't know that... Thanks anyway, I think it was a... Pleasant? Thought of my blog?

And there's always 'I'M THE PERSON WHO KEEP SECRETS' problem. I hate it! I don't have secrets, you guys wanna tell me yours? Tell. I pinky sweared, I wont tell, no matter how much I want to. But you know, if I tell, will he break up with you already?! YOU KNOW I HATE YOU! Wait, then again, you don't.

Right. Bla and bla... So many useless things in life. For example, ME. I always wonder why was I even born in this world? What's my part in all of THIS? And then, I wonder, what does it feel like to die, to actually die... I wish I could ask some dead guy...

There's just so many things! I wish I could know them all! Okay, not all... I wont wanna know how it feels like to be a hooker for a day. And that reminds me about another curious thing... How's it like to fuck????

Never mind that... I'll ask my parents XD

Okay, I wont... Bad idea, I know... Maybe I'll ask my dogs...

Okay then. I just have so many thoughts, that I can't decide what to write. And BTW, I'll be grateful if you guys could think of THREE GREAT WAYS WHY MY PARENTS SHOULD GET ME A LAPTOP^^


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