Thursday 14 January 2010

Chinese... Math... Die...

Everyone knows, I'm a failure at everything, from romance to studies. But who cares about romance anyway? I have bigger things to worry about like my Chinese and Math. I'm practically hopeless!

I wonder how I was made. My dad's good at Math, Geography and everything except Chinese. My mum's good at Chinese and music, but suck at Math and everything else. Did my brain get mixed up something? I'm no good at Chinese and Math. Geography, I think I can do it, music, okay too, I guess...

I guess what I wrote this afternoon was a bit TOO much, now that I think of it, I don't really wanna go to ACS. Besides, I'll do her and myself a favour. She gets satisfy by abusing me, I improve my Chinese. Although... maybe I have to loose my hand... Hmm...

Is loosing my hand worth it? I want a job which has nothing to do with Chinese or Math.

Important subjects... Die, die, DIE!

I still have to prepare my hand for the worst though. She hasn't gimme my 'PRESENTS' yet, and I seriously doubt that she'll forget. She is the psycho with the cane who loves torturing poor dumb students, it makes her day. How evil, does she go for mental check-ups now and then? Does she pass em'? God...

Well, I have no idea what I'm going to write. I just know that... Maybe I was born with only half of a brain, I'm dummer than the average monkey, you know?

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