Friday, 15 January 2010

Don't Take What I Write TOO Seriously

Seriously, come on, when I say 'bitch' it doesn't have to be the original meaning of it, and what they do. You don't get it, do you? I can use other words like nutcase, cuckoo, insane. But then again, I like using 'bitch' more. Don't like it? Don't read.

And mm-hm, you guys know how I can be when I'm angry. Hey, I locked you guys out on the balcony once, REMEMBER? I don't like her, come on, nobody does. And you know what? I actually spent more than a minute writing my Chinese Calligraphy, and the results... I have to say 'Shit... I spent this long writing THAT? I gotta go get my hand nerves removed!'

I can call you anything I want, cause I'm writing it, you're not.

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