Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Now I Know...

Now I know...

How paying attention in class feels like- SCARY

Why I'm paying attention and studying hard- For the money, the laptop, the vacation, myself... And... Him...

Teachers are evil, beware...

I'm a complete retard, yes I am...

No matter what, I will always be hopeless at Maths- It's either you're good at it, or you're hopeless

I'm useless at everything

Why people shouldn't regret- It's no use people!

How Guai Lan some people can be- And very... Very... Guai Lan

I must study hard in order to escape this hell hole and be with him...

We use to study World History and World Geography, and because the pigs are too dumb, they changed it to only their Malay Piggy History- SEJARAH. And because of their stupidity, they wanna make us as stupid as they are...


Wait wait wait... I've always known they were useless

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