Nice movie, but... Not so nice ending.
Gotta have courage when it comes to love? Pass... I don't have courage.
As usual, my mum cried again. She does that EVERY TIME!
Ice Kacang... Ice Kacang... Ice Kacang... Suddenly, I feel like eating it. Where can I find one in the middle of the night? Any place that sells nice Ice Kacang? Or anything else that's good? Suggest please.
I'm no good at art, if I am, my collections will be drawings instead of words...
Nothing much, my maid slipped this morning, she's in the hospital. I'm sick and tired of all the people around me getting hurt. And Lolli keeps cursing herself that she's the next one. I hope not, for her sake.
I still hate the ending.
No, nobody died. In the end, nobody got who they loved, BUT, they did have a good life. I mean, the guy already has a girlfriend, but he still thinks of her. And the worse part? She was behind him the whole time... UGH... Damn endings...
If I have somebody that I love, I would... Nah, I don't know what I'd do.
If I have somebody that I like, I would... I don't know what I'd do either.
I know what I wont do.
I wont love him
I wont like him
I wont hate him
I wont like him
I wont hate him
Sounds dumb, I know. But hey, I'm me. I'm naturally dumb, that's why I'm special, you don't see dumb people who are smart everyday, now do you?
I don't know, I still don't know...
I'm not moving on when I should be. I'm stuck, pull me out! SOMEBODY! HELP! But wait, there's nobody out there... My cry for help, unheard, my stuck self, unseen... Please... I just want to hug somebody I can never EVER hug. I'm sorry, he's still in my mind. When I said that I have moved on, I don't know... I wasn't lying... But, I think of him... I'm sorry.
- Red.
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