Thursday, 23 December 2010


I'm so bored.

Can't believe I woke up already. I would be LESS bored if I'm sleeping.

Sleeping is a boring thing, but you know what? You don't get bored when you sleep.




Suddenly, I feel that all hope is lost...

For my maths T^T

Once again... I fail to understand the complications of simple mathematics. If this goes on... I don't know who will end up in a hospital, me or my grandpa. Well... If you taught me... You'd know how stupid I am. If you think you can handle me, and NOT kill me, then, come on~

Let's all pray that I pass THIS in PMR.

I couldn't even pass this year T^T

I'm just not good with numbers. And... I think my mind doesn't like playing puzzles. Stupid diagrams!


I feel so hopeless T^T

I wonder if I am...



Congratz to Tan Chwan Shyang ma~ 8 As. Whooooo!

Did I spell your name right? :x

And to Tan Jia Wern, 5 As... Not bad ma... Don't be too dissatisfied. 5 As better than what your boyfriend got last year xD

Don't know about other people. Could care less.

Hey... They're both TAN ^_^

What would you do if you stepped outside wearing nothing, just wrapping yourself with a towel and you're mum's friend happens to be there... And... Owh... The towel's loose...

I'm just asking.

Thank God for windows. If not... I would leave a bad impression...


When you're at home, it's good to not wear anything. Many benefits...


Save some detergent, and water, AND electricity, if you use a washing machine.

Less water pollution.

Cause... If you don't wear, you don't wash, if you don't wash, then there's no soapy water =)

Not like your friends are going to barge into your house... Especially mine. I live so God damn far, nobody even wants to come here. I'm so safe~

Actually... I don't like wearing clothes cause not wearing anything feels more comfy. And... You notice how soft the blankets are...

Right, and some people think it's weird if you don't wear a bra for 24 hours =_=

I should stop now...

I'll be back soon...

Cause I'm TOO bored.

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